GVN Hospital

1. Consume many calcium. Calcium is that the single most plenteous mineral in your body, and regarding 99 of it’s found in your bones and teeth. obtaining spare calcium can assist you grow healthy bones and maintain bone density. Adult men below seventy and girls below fifty ought to get at least one, 000mg of calcium per day. Men over 70 and girls over 50 ought to get at least one, 200mg per day. Pregnant or lactating ladies ought to consume at least one, 300mg of calcium daily.

Peoples get most of their calcium from farm product like milk, cheese, and yogurt, that area unit terribly made sources of calcium. If you select soybean milk, almond milk, or alternative farm substitutes, look for ones that are fortified with calcium.

Vegetable sources made in calcium embody turnips and collards, Chinese cabbage, black-eyed peas, kale, and broccoli. Though it’s smart for you, spinach isn’t nice as a source of calcium as a result of its oxalic acid reduces the provision of its calcium to your body.

2. Get many vitamin D. vitamin D helps improve your body’s ability to absorb calcium. It is also a vital element in bone reconstruction. People below the age of seventy ought to get a minimum of 600IU of vitamin D daily; people over seventy ought to get a minimum of 800IU daily. If you’re in danger for vitamin D deficiency, your doctor will measure your blood levels to determine your wants.

Vitamin D isn’t present in most foods. Fatty fish, like swordfish, salmon, tuna, and mackerel area unit the most effective sources of natural vitamin D (and additionally provide omega-3 fatty acids). Beef liver, cheese, some mushrooms, and egg yolks contain tiny amounts of vitamin D.

Milk is commonly fortified with vitamins A and D. Several Beverages and cereals also are enriched with vitamin D.
Spending time within the sunshine is another good way to get vitamin D. Ultraviolet rays trigger vitamin D synthesis in your body, though people with higher levels of melanin (thus, darker skin) produce less vitamin D this way. Use a sunscreen with a broad-spectrum SPF factor of a minimum of fifteen whenever you spend time outside.

3. Eat foods with Magnesium. magnesium is a very important mineral for each a part of your body, including your bones. 50-60% of the magnesium in your body is in your bones. Many people don’t get enough magnesium in their diets. Adult males ought to get a minimum of 400-420mg per day, and adult females ought to get a minimum of 310-320mg per day. There area unit several made sources of dietary magnesium, including:

  • Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and peanut butter
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach
  • Whole grains and legumes, particularly black beans and soybeans
  • Avocados, potatoes with their skins, and bananas

Magnesium competes with calcium for absorption. If you have got low calcium levels, magnesium could cause a calcium deficiency. However, if you get enough calcium in your diet, you almost certainly don’t need to worry about these effects

4. Eat foods rich in B vitamins

5. Get enough vitamin C.

6 Consume enough vitamin K