Cervical Spondylosis

A closed fracture occurs when the broken bone doesn't penetrate the skin. Though a closed fracture would require professional medical attention so as to heal properly, a good information of first aid protocol can help to make the injured person more comfortable whereas waiting for treatment and prevent the fracture from becoming worse.

Restrict the person’s movement as much as possible. Ask them to sit or lie still, and try to form them as comfortable as possible.

  •  This is particularly important if they feel any pain in their neck, as moving them might cause serious injury to their spine. Call an ambulance if you think there may be injury to the spine.
  •  As you await medical help, ask the patient how the injury happened and wherever they feel pain. This info can assist you to make a decision the most effective course of action and to inform the medial professionals when the time comes.

Use a clean cloth to prevent any bleeding. you'll be able to stop or minimize the blood loss by applying direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. Covering the wound with a clean cloth will facilitate to stop it from becoming infected. If possible, wear gloves to prevent your hands from returning in direct contact with the patient's blood this can also facilitate to stop infection. Keep in mind that this method will solely work if the blood is coming from a vein.

If the blood is returning from an artery, the bleeding are not possible to manage using pressure alone and also the patient would require medical attention immediately.

Immobilize the injured area to stop further injury. Don’t attempt to move or realign a distorted bone. If you have got one easily at hand, a padded splint are often applied to the the broken bone to immobilize the injury and reduce discomfort. Make sure to use the splint very carefully to avoid making the fracture worse.

Apply an Ice pack to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Apply an Ice pack to the location of the fracture. Hold the ice against the injured limb for ten to twenty minutes, then take a break to allow the skin to warm up before reapplying. Confirm to wrap the ice pack in a very clean cloth or towel — the ice should never come in direct contact with the skin, as the extreme cold may cause tissue damage.

Elevate the fractured limb. This reduces blood flow to the area and prevents swelling. If the injured person is lying down, you'll be able to prop their fractured arm, hand, leg or foot on a stack of pillows or cushions.

Once the ambulance arrives, or you can get the injured person to a hospital, transfer the care of the patient over to the medical professionals.